The ‘Gold Rush’ of Twitter

Social media is an important marketing tool to business owners nowadays. And one of the effective strategies related to it is Twitter Marketing. You can send plenty of visitors to your blog daily by making use of Twitter’s ‘gold rush.’ Just link anything new on your blog to Twitter, and visitors will flock on what you have shared.

Twitter marketing can do a lot of things. Your social connections on Twitter can give your page continuous and constant traffic. Don’t just make your information free. Make it useful that people will always come back to you – with some even making a purchase because what you offer is too good to pass up.

Once your stream of visitors is steady, you can take the opportunity to create beautiful sales pages or squeeze pages up and running. There’s also the matter of optimizing every aspect of your Internet marketing business like your web design, copywriting, SEO, graphics, and social media marketing.

Entrepreneur using his laptop outside the building

Twitter Marketing Tips

So how do you use the Gold Rush of Twitter even better?

  • Make your Twitter name clickable. This way, people can quickly sign up on Twitter or follow you once they click on your name.
  • Post regularly. Stay active and always post something helpful and informative to make people see your signature and expertise.
  • Follow the big names in the field of Internet marketing. These people already have plenty of followers. If you follow them, some of their people will also follow you.
  • Follow as many people as you can. You are allowed to follow 2000 to a maximum. Remember that everyone you follow has their connection, and that is precisely your goal – reach a wider audience.
  • Be responsive. As you tweet, some of those people who follow you would either try to comment or reply to your Tweets. Do your best to respond on each one every day, so you’re not swamped with replying. Being responsive is also one way to show them that you are a person serious about your business. Also, keep the comments positive and constructive.
  • Let people know what you do. If you want to attract more customers, you might want to let them in on what you’re doing. Just post something like “My recent client loved the web design I did. I’m tickled pink!” or “Writing an eBook for a client while enjoying my morning latte.”
  • Use your Twitter bio wisely. Maximize your bio by putting your website’s link in it so that people who are curious enough to know you can check your site easily.
  • Do not always talk about business. Become social, too. If you consistently post something about what you do, your products, or your business, people who follow you might find you spammy and too salesy. Just be natural with your posts.
  • Know how to use Twitter. There are many things that you can do with your Twitter account, but there are also some things that you shouldn’t do. For one, you do not use Twitter to lead your followers to a Clickbank product.
  • Use Twitter tools. If you want to have a better Twitter experience, you can use several tools like tweetlater or All of these notifies you when somebody follows you, and some even allow you to post simultaneously from various microblog social networks like
  • Customize your Twitter page. Make your Twitter reflect your personality by changing the settings found on the upper right side of the Twitter home page.