There is what they call the ‘3 Ps of Internet Marketing Success’. This principle looks simple but doesn’t let the seemingly secure process fool you. Internet marketing is important as it drives traffic to websites and creates brand awareness.

Accordingly, the 3 Ps of Internet Marketing Success is said to be the process employed by the most successful internet businesses and is the reason for their massive income equivalent to millions of dollars. These 3Ps are:

  • People
  • Product
  • Promote
Internet marketing

Internet marketing is a strategy in driving more visitors to your website. Through PPC advertising and other strategies, you can generate more traffic.

The first crucial step: find out what are the needs and wants of the people

Most of the time, people go online to look for answers and solutions to their questions and problems. As an internet marketing professional, finding out the demands of the people is the crucial first step to make your business success. By using what they need or want, you can think of a product to sell or a service to offer that will satisfy their demands.

You find what most people are looking for by studying the most keywords they type online. There are plenty of keyword research tools to help you do that. But without patience and attention to detail on your part, you might miss some important things that will tell you what your target market demands. Therefore, you should spend quality time to go over all the possible keywords that you can find to help you know what your target market needs.

After doing so, the next best step for you is to start selling your product. However, you might want to ask yourself: what kind of product should I sell?

Sell Your Product through Internet Marketing

For most people who are just starting as an internet marketer, becoming an affiliate – where you are given the rights to resell a product – is the thing to do. However, it would be much better if you would start with digital products instead of real ones. Here are the reasons why:

  • Digital products have higher commission offerings compared to physical products and services.
  • Affiliate sites only offer a commission from between 10% to 25% for tangible products, whereas that payoff rates for digital products range from between 50% to 75%.

So where do you sell your digital products best? Clickbank.

As it happens, the most prominent digital product marketplace there is with more than 13000 affiliate products is Clickbank.

Find the Best Product to Affiliate

So how do you find the best product to affiliate with once you get there?

  1. Go to the “View Pitch Page” to get the product that appeals the most to your target market.
  2. After getting your product, get all the keywords that you can to build your traffic.
  3. Make sure that you correctly identify the selling rights that come with each product you choose. RR or Resell Rights allow you to resell the product but not give the same rights to resell to your customer. MRR or Master Resell Rights, on the other hand, not only allows you to resell the products but also gives your customers the right to resell too.

Choose More Products

*Take note: the most successful affiliate marketers do not stick to promoting just one product. They choose more than one product as a backup and to speed up their marketing.

After accomplishing those steps, you still have to work and not just sit thinking that everything will work out for you. Next stop on the list: TRAFFIC.

Traffic refers to the visitors coming and going to your site. They are the essential part of your internet marketing business because, without them, even the best websites out there would be useless and would soon be out of business.

Thus, your site visitors – or “traffic” as they are called – are the lifeblood of your internet marketing business. You should never lose sight of your target market or customers. By driving the right traffic into your web pages, you have more chances of getting sales by targeting the right prospects.

Drive Your Website Traffic Right through Internet Marketing

So how do you kickstart your traffic the right way? Here are the seven things you can do for each day of the week to make sure that you drive your traffic in the right direction and get to do things right:

  1. Avoid wasting any traffic
  2. Be active on social media networking
  3. Do blog comment posting
  4. Joint ventures
  5. Pay-per-click or PPC advertising
  6. Submit articles
  7. Write articles

While these seven things are not strictly imposed for you to follow in order, you might want to follow some rules like taking care first of Pay-Per-Click Advertising.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

So why do PPC advertising first? Without a doubt, when it comes to advertising online, Google is the kingpin. And the best way is to promote through Google AdSense and AdWords.

You build your market and introduce your brand using keywords and phrases that will help you be found on the web to start driving traffic into your page. Your headlines and titles, therefore, take a critical role in deciding whether your campaign to advertise online would become a success or a failure.

To make sure that your advertising campaigns are more of a success than a failure, you should:

  1. Make your ads clickable. Your visitors should want to know more about your ad, read the rest of it, and click to see what you are talking about.
  2. Include your keywords in the headline title. It is a neat trick to make your page get the maximum possible exposure it can get.
  3. Include your keywords in the body text smartly. Use your keywords right but do not overuse it. Sound very natural and try your best to put those keywords to work on the body of your copy.
  4. Incorporate your keywords in the URL. This way, you cover every possible base for your visitors to find you.
  5. Use Google AdWords. Use it as your reference; see what works, and then do the same thing for your page.

Again, remember that you don’t have to re-invent the wheel – it has been invented already. In the same way, you don’t copy the works of others, but you should create a better version that will appeal more to your visitors.

It is where the power of writing articles comes in. By writing keyword-rich copies, you make your page even more visible and have the potential to get more targeted traffic. Try to find any manual on how you can be successful with your internet marketing business and on each one. You will find the advice to write articles as much as you can – daily.

It is because people search for keywords, and you can only be found when those keywords that they are looking for are included in your content. With the help of AdWords, you can quickly identify these three things on your website:

  • how many people see your ads,
  • how many of them become your page traffic, and
  • which of the adverts you currently have are making the most sales.

Built-in page statistics program can do these things for you. With the help of Clickbank, tracking the profitability of each advert you have is even easier. Therefore, you can immediately see which AdWords are effective at driving traffic to your page. You can also check which of your adverts sells and which ones do not.

The importance of your domain

Everything you’ve learned so far is nothing if you are without your website. That is, owning your domain means that you can do everything you want with it. You are the master of your own business. You can apply every principle of success that you need to ensure the excellent fate of your internet marketing business.

By having your page and domain, you can test the effectiveness of every bit of advertising you know and make it as diverse as you can. It is to say that your content for marketing is not only limited to having a blog and making articles, although these two are the first things that drive traffic into your website. You could also incorporate other forms of media and information like infographics, images, audio, and even video material for more dynamic information material.

You should be aware that keeping your website updated is one of the keys to making sure that you stay on the right side of search engines. Giant search engines like Google require fresh content at least every two to three days to make sure that your page is active and not something that will litter the web.

The Importance of Content in Internet Marketing

When you have established the importance of domain and how to use PPC, the next thing you should consider is making your content. As an internet marketer, you should be well aware of the importance of content management. And how it becomes the driving force behind your website’s traffic.

You have learned from before that people cannot find your website unless it contains the keywords that they are searching for research engines like Google. To make sure that you get noticed, you direct the attention of these search engines to your page by incorporating keywords found on your content. These are mainly articles, blog entries, and other forms of media.

The truth that you can work with as much as 25 keywords for your brand makes content creation a vital part of your business. Admit it or not, one article copy cannot have those 25 keywords alone, or it would look spammy and overstuffed with keywords. The solution? You try to make different copies that make use of all those possible keywords you have.

But just like any other element of internet advertising, you don’t make content for keywords. You make them to make your visitors interested in your page and to make them come back to your site from time to time. Here’s the simple rule: poorly written articles are a definite NO-NO.

Write to inform your visitors. Don’t write for the sake of writing. Create content to build your brand. Show them that you know your field. You’re an expert on it, and they should pay attention to your input and ideas. To make good copies, here are three basic things that you should remember:

  • Hook your readers on the first paragraph. It should be the most exciting part for them. Surfers on the web have a short attention span. introductions are too long and tedious and have nothing valuable to tell them, you’d likely lose your traffic even before they started.
  • Point out your significant points smartly. Avoid making too long sentences. If you can make the information short yet sufficient, then do it. Don’t say the same thing again and again unless it requires repeating. Make your content meaty that your readers can’t wait to find out more.
  • Always end strong. Your closing paragraphs should always make your readers think and decide, compel them to act, or make them realize something about what they have read from your page.

If you don’t know anything about writing articles or your ability to do it is less than average, you can always hire freelancers to do the job for you.

So why write?

  1. People find you on the web through the keywords they search found in your content.
  2. Interesting content pique readers’ curiosity; this often leads them to share your content with others.
  3. Aside from direct traffic on your website, excellent and well-written content also generate traffic from other directory sites.
  4. Other internet marketers can use your content as a reference and help increase your page traffic through their website. This allows them to provide you backlinks from their website to yours and vice versa.
  5. Search engines recognize well-written articles that are not just present in directories but are also referenced by other websites.

Some of the article directories where you can post your content and help build your brand are:

Making your content even more profitable

Aside from just writing content, you should make your professional profile visible on your webpage – even on article directories.

The principle behind this is that people interact with people. They want a real face and not a robot. It is why if you’re going to make more connections and show people that you are real, they should be able to see your face. They must also know that you are a ‘real’ person by responding to their questions and comments, especially on copies that you have provided them.

Another good tip to go by is to surround your articles with Google adverts or do AdSense advertising. You can get paid and show that your blog and webpage content are indeed active.

Use every link you can to build your traffic. Include your name, your email, and even a prominent blog link that will direct to your sales page on Clickbank. For affiliate program pages, try to get banners that are catchy and attractive to the eye. Put them on your blog to direct more traffic there.

Don’t be afraid to reference from other reliable web article directories like HubPages. People are more likely to assume that you are legit and the information you are sharing is factual when you link from this place. It also helps you the other way around because you also create a backlink from those website directories back into your page. So, your links are more likely to be discovered by more people and drive more traffic into your actual page.

You can also always add an RSS module on your page to provide a constant flow of information feed and updated news related to your niche.

Open the comment sections of your articles. It allows your readers the opportunity to share their thoughts and interact with you. It’s also a chance for you to prove your knowledge and expertise in your field. That is, you should be able to establish your credentials by smart inputs.

Be visible in the online community. Use the power of share buttons as well as social networking platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share your content. It’s one of the most natural and most proven ways of driving traffic into your page.

Vary your copies. Provide your visitors with videos, audios, infographics, written content, or a combination of any of these to make your page interesting for them. Sticking to just one type of copy every single time can make your page look dull, and your readers bored to browse for more.

Optimize your videos

Another useful form of dynamic content is videos. Since most traffic come by people, who are “skimmers” and “scanners,” catching their attention, the quickest way is the way to do it. If you want to incorporate videos on your pages, make sure that it’s informative and is short enough to contain the necessary information you need to deliver. Ideally, it should be at least a minute in length but if that is not possible, make sure that the transition of your long video would be exciting enough to keep your visitors watching until the end of it.

Here are some helpful tips to make your video content even better:

Use your video to promote your website or page and vice versa. Showing them the URL of your site at the beginning and the end of the video would be good. It is also another reason why you should not make sure your URL is vague. It should be direct and easy to remember. You should also make sure that your videos are visible on every web platform you have. Your HubPages account, your WordPress blog, your webpage, and your social media accounts.

Tell your viewers exactly what they need to do after watching the video. Think about the lines of making a call-to-action at the end of your article.

Create your video channel like on YouTube targeting your market and niche. It will help your viewers find all videos from you quickly, especially if they want to subscribe. It’s also another way for you to increase traffic by reaching those people who’d rather watch a video than reading written content.

Aside from written content, include your videos in your subscriptions. You can also share your videos on every social media platforms you use like Facebook. Ask your friends to view it, and if they like it, they’ll be the ones to create the traffic for you by sharing it to others. It’s also another opportunity for you to address questions and be active in the social community.

 Make use of social bookmarking sites. These places have thousands of visitors every day. If you can find a high quality article and bookmark it on social bookmarking sites, then you’re also driving massive traffic into your page. Here are some social bookmarking sites that you can try: AddThis, Digg, Fark, Propeller, Magnolia, and Simpy.

The bottom line…

After learning all these things, you might want to take a deep breath and look back on everything you’ve read so far. Indeed, doing everything right the first time is not something that you can achieve in just one day. However, doing it right away is a good start for you. So here are the things you always have to remember:

  • First and foremost, know what you are doing before you start anything.
  • If you don’t know something, take the time to study it and ask somebody who knows the subject better than you. If you don’t have anyone to ask, read! Educate yourself.
  • Regardless of how good your website might look, it would be nothing unless you produce good content that is worth sharing.
  • Optimize your content with keywords and make sure that you have the right keywords that your target markets are looking for you to be found on search engines.
  • Offer your visitors something free – whether it’s a coupon, a voucher, or an eBook – to show that you are serious about doing your business and that you are professional in doing it.
  • Do not charge people for something that they cannot afford. If you want to sell your products or services quickly, make sure that you offer people a fair price. They should get their money’s worth. They shouldn’t feel that you’re just out there to take their money for your gain.
  • There are a lot of competitors out there for your target market. Make your products better and ‘sell’ yourself even better than them.

Now that you have all these tips to guide you, what you need to do next is to apply these things on your webpage and see how your internet marketing business fares. Go, break a leg!