Are you new to Twitter? Still trying to find a way to increase your followers and interact with current followers? Twitter can be a handy tool, but it can quickly become a wasted resource if you’re not using it properly. People commit twitter mistakes and these are things you must avoid.

8 Typical Twitter Mistakes You Must Avoid

1. Redundant tweets

Tweets move very quickly down the feed. With so many tweets loading through, it is more likely for your update to be skipped. Many companies try to fight this by reposting the same Twitter updates several times per day. However, with this strategy, there is a great possibility that your followers will grow tired of you. Be sure your followers see your tweets without being too annoying and redundant.

2. Excessive self-promotion

Tweeting about your company is okay, provided that you are doing so in moderation. Just like the rest of the social networks, Twitter is a platform where you can discuss anything. It is essential to be providing value onto discussions.

If you are tweeting the useful material or relevant content details, your supporters will know how excellent you are without your having to say it.

3. Retweeting yourself

Don’t retweet yourself. Retweeting yourself may be mistaken by others as tooting your own horn. If you want to retweet a link, write a new description for it instead of retweeting the same thing over and over.

Happy couple using smartphone in city centre

4. Retweeting mentions of your brand

If someone mentioned and complimented you on Twitter, you don’t need to retweet it. Yes, this can be an exciting moment for you, but others may take it as a braggy move. Instead, reply to the sender of the compliment a sweet thanks and then, move on.

5. Inconsistent activity

When something big is occurring to your company, you will most likely be doing some new tweeting. You could be ramping up your tweets to advertise an upcoming occasion, running a new campaign, etc.

A typical mistake that businesses make, however, is to be less active on Twitter 80% of the year and then only appear when you have something you need to advertise. Regardless of whether it is a busy season for you or not, you have to maintain a regular presence and involvement. Interact and participate in relevant discussions.

6. Using too many hashtags

Don’t stuff your tweet with too many hashtags. One or two hashtags at the end of your tweet are enough. If you overdo it, your followers may be distracted and lose interest in what you have to say.

7. Automatic posts that make people think you’re a robot

For busy business owners like you, you may benefit significantly from tweet scheduling applications. Many applications in the market allow you to automatically post on various social networks such as Hootsuite and TweetDeck. Scheduling posts will enable you to focus on your business while still be active on social media.

However, this does not imply that you have to rely on social media planner all the time. You have to check in from time to time and post real-time, especially when you are at a significant event or when there is a big announcement you need to make. Plus, you have to check for people who interacted with you and respond accordingly on time.

8. Misleading links

Never post a misleading link. These days, there are a lot of link shorteners that allow you to customize your links to get more people to click them. There’s nothing wrong with this, except when you post a deceiving link and try to get your followers to a page which is entirely not the one you talked about in your tweet.

Get Your Content Right to Avoid Twitter Mistakes

If you want to attract more people to click that ‘Follow’ button, avoiding these mistakes will help you gather more followers. Posting the right content with consistency will help you get your target audience’s attention in no time.